MensLegis Privacy Policy

MensLegis is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988. We understand how important the privacy of personal information is to our clients, job applicants and visitors of our website. The following statement addresses relevant privacy issues for the MensLegis.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles is available for your perusal here.

The kind of personal information that MensLegis may hold can include:

  • Customer names and addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Contact telephone numbers (private, business and mobile).
  • Information regarding your Personal Injury claim
  • Employee Taxation and Payroll details
  • Personal resumes of employees and applicants

We ensure that all personal information is collected in a fair and lawful way.

The main purpose for MensLegis requiring and holding this personal information is that this information is fundamental in order for us to:

  1. Providing Legal services to you or someone else you know
  2. Providing you with information about other services or class actions that we, our related entities and other organisations that we have affiliations with, offer that may be of interest to you
  3. facilitating our internal business operations, including the fulfilment of any legal requirements
  4. Analysing our services and customer needs with a view to developing new or improved services
  5. So that we may contact you when necessary on issues relating directly to our Legal services
  6. To ensure that employees are paid their correct entitlements
  7. To ensure that we have all relevant employee details including, addresses, emergency contact numbers etc
  8. To provide relevant information when assessing applicants for employment/promotion

MensLegis will endeavour to ensure that all personal information is accurate, complete and up to date at the time we collect, use or disclose it.

For each visitor to our website, our web server may collect the following type of information for statistical purposes:

  • The number of users who visit the website
  • The date and time of visits
  • The number of pages viewed
  • Traffic patterns

This is anonymous statistical data and no attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities. We use this data to evaluate our website performance and to improve the content we display to you.

We will not use your personal information for any purpose which is not related to the services we provide to you, or for any purpose for which you would not reasonably expect us to use the information. We may you use your personal information to market other legal services or class actions which may enhance our relationship with you. It is your decision whether you wish us to provide this service to you. We may release information about you where there is a duty to the public to disclose that information, where we are required by law or where the interests of MensLegis require disclosure.

Data Security:

MensLegis will take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information it holds from misuse and loss, and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. These include:

  • Physical security – by adopting measures to prevent unauthorised access to our premises, by providing secure containers for storing paper-based personal information.
  • Computer and network security – by adopting measures to protect computer systems and networks for storing, processing and transmitting personal information relating to customers and or employees from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure by means of secure passwords, user logins or other security procedures.
  • Communications security – by protecting email and other means of communication from unauthorised intrusion.
  • Personnel security – by adopting procedural and personnel measures for limiting access to personal information by authorised staff for approved purposes and controls to minimise security risks to our IT systems.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and would like further information, please contact us.

Attn: Privacy Policy manager

MensLegis Pty Ltd


Level26, 44 Market Street Sydney NSW 2000

Office: +61 2 9089 8898


© Copyright MensLegis